Social services work has the central goal of improving the participation opportunities and options for action of the addressees. In public, political and academic contexts, it is increasingly expected to provide evidence of whether or how social services actually achieve their goal. So far, relevant studies have largely followed individual disciplinary logics, so that a heterogeneous landscape of research has emerged. The Research Training Group integrates these different approaches so that the Research Training Group can deal with basic questions of impact research from an interdisciplinary perspective. The young researchers learn about the complexity of impact research and acquire expertise in concrete forms of social services work, so that they can position themselves excellently in a research context that is both nationally shaped and internationally highly relevant.

The five central questions of impact research will be used to realize the interdisciplinary foundation of the Research Training Group and to relate the individual studies of the Research Training Group to each other.


DFG-Research Training Group 2493 “Consequences of Social Services Work”

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DFG-Research Training Group 2493 “Consequences of Social Services Work”

Consequences research the Second

May 9th, 2024
University of Siegen
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Research Projects of Doctoral Students & Postdoc

  • Consequences of resocialization: Juvenile prisoners between the right of reintegration and the protective interests of the society

  • Consequences of the probation service for its addressees and their social network

  • Embodied consequences of social services work – Socio-pedagogical Fan-Projects and the construction/transformation of social orders

  • Consequences of social services work in the context of social urban development

  • Consequences of social situation-based health promotion

  • (Re-)Constructions of Being A Parent as a Consequence of Residential Child Care

  • The dispositive of the addressee of youth welfare services (co-)initiated by schools

  • Subjectivation processes of young users in educational landscapes in campus form

  • Organization and participation – the participation imperative in residential childcare services

  • Processes of Social Differentiation in the Participatory Design of Services in Open Child and Youth Work

  • The Consequences of Self-Guided Digital Treatment for Patients with Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia

  • Effects of computer-assisted psychotherapy for therapists as addressees

  • Self-empowerment in the restrictive refugee migration regime – consequences of empowerment-orientated social services work

  • Gendered consequences for legal guardians as addressees of socio-pedagogical family assistance

  • ‘Self’ as consequence of self-help

  • Consequences of social services work in the context of (forced) migration

  • Consequences of outpatient social services for its addresses in rural areas

  • Flexible Assistance and its Consequences for Addressees in the Context of Youth Services Work

  • Consequences of digitalisation processes on media practices of youth work addressees

  • Consequences of individual teaching assistance for accompanied students

  • Conversation-analytical impact research in victim-offender-mediation

  • Consequences of low-threshold settings in homeless services

  • ‘Neutrality’ as a non-professional interpellation to youth work and its consequences for the professional and self-image of professionals and young addressees

5 Central Questions

  1. How can consequences of social services work be conceptualized?
  2. How do consequences emerge?
  3. How are users involved in the constitution of consequences?
  4. How can consequences be researched methodologically an methodically?
  5. How does social services work interact with the identity of users?
How do consequences emerge? How does social services work interact with the identity of users? How can consequences be researched methodologically and methodically? How are users involved in the constitution of consequences? How can consequences of social services work be conceptualized?


The Young Researchers are supported by an interdisciplinary team from social pedagogy, psychology and sociology. Researchers from Germany and abroad are integrated into the Research Training Group, to realize broad international and interdisciplinary support. This corresponds to the fact that research into the consequences of social services work cannot be carried out by a single method or discipline, but rather refers to complex fundamental questions that need to be addressed in the academic exchange between different disciplines and research approaches.


The participating scientists have been working together for a long time on the research questions of the Research Training Group. A preliminary study was also carried out, the central findings of which were published by Beltz Juventa in 2017: “Folgen sozialer Hilfen. Theoretische und empirische Zugänge”. On this page you will find an overview of relevant publications of the participants.