Second Cohort

Jari Planert, M. Sc.


Development and psychometric evaluation of the man-made disaster-related distress scale (MMDS).

Krakowczyk, J. B./Beckord, J./Planert, J./Kohl, P./Schweda, A./Teufel, M./Bäuerle, A. (2023)

Psychiatry Res. 324 (115193).

Associations between hair cortisol and subjective stress measures in a large occupational sample.

Planert, J./Klucken, T./Finke, J. B./Paulus, P. C./Fischer, J. E./Gao, W./Stalder, T. (2023)

Psychoneuroendocrinology 152 (106086).

Self-Guided Digital Treatment with Virtual Reality for Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia: A Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.

Planert, J.*/Machulska, A.*/Hildebrand, A./Roesmann, K./Otto, E./Klucken, T. (2022)

Trials 23 (426), S. 1–9 .

Qualification Project

The Consequences of Self-Guided Digital Treatment for Patients with Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia

The shortage of treatment capacities in Germany has led to an average waiting time of five months for individuals in need of psychotherapeutic support. Current research suggests that symptoms of panic disorder and agoraphobia often worsen if they remain untreated. To address this outstanding issue, self-guided digital short-term treatments have been permitted that only need to be accompanied by few psychotherapeutic sessions. Via psychoeducation and virtual reality exposure therapy, the treatments are aimed at reducing psychological symptoms for panic disorder and agoraphobia. As it has not been the target of experimental research yet, the present project investigates the efficacy (= intended consequence) of self-guided digital treatment with virtual reality elements for patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia. To detect further (unintended) (secondary) consequences of the treatment, qualitative interviews with patients are embedded in the study design.

Academic Career

since 10/2021
PhD student at the Research Training Group 2493 ” Consequences of Social Services Work”

12/2020 – 09/2021
Reserach internship at the Erasmus University Rotterdam at the department of “Child & Developmental Psychology” (Dr. Ruth van der Hallen)

2020 – 2021
Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, degree: M. Sc.

2016 – 2020
Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, degree: B. Sc.