Konflikte in der komplexen Konstellation von Familie, Schule und Schulbegleitung. Elternarbeit zwischen struktureller Verantwortungslosigkeit und inklusivem Anspruch.
In: Zeitschrift für Inklusion, 1. in der Qualifizierung für inklusive schulische Bildung. Eine Sichtung internationaler Forschungsbeiträge.
In: T. Müller/C. Ratz/R. Stein/C. Lüke (Hrsg.): Sonderpädagogik - zwischen Dekategorisierung und Rekategorisierung. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, S. 279-289.
Qualifizierung für Inklusion in der Berufsschule, Hochschule und Erwachsenenbildung – zur Kontextualisierung eines aktuellen Forschungsprogramms.
In: J. Becker/F. Buchhaupt/D. Katzenbach/D. Lutz/A. Strecker/M. Urban (Hrsg.): Qualifizierung für Inklusion. Berufsschule, Hochschule und Erwachsenenbildung. Münster: Waxmann, S. 7-22. Project
Consequences of individual teaching assistants for accompanied students
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has led to an increase of assistants in German schools. In Germany ‘participation in education’ (Article 24 UN-CRPD) anchored in the Social Code (SGB VIII & IX), which is mostly realized as an individual support service. Teaching assistants as a support service has been examined in research and controversially discussed. However, the perspectives of accompanied students are underrepresented in the existing body of literature. For this reason the dissertation places interviews with students in receipt of teaching assistants at the center of a qualitative study to explore their perspectives. The project is grounded in the methodology of Constructivist Grounded Theory (Charmaz), which is focussing on research participants’ individual perspective. The aim of the study is to investigate positive and negative, intended and unintended consequences of individual teaching assistants from the students’ perspective
Academic Career
April 2017 – April 2019
M.A. Educational science with a focus on Special Needs Education, Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany
Mai 2015 – December 2015
Semester abroad with a focus on Special Needs Education, University of Oslo, Norway
September 2013 – March 2017
B.A. Education with a focus on Vocational Education, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Professional Experience
since April 2023
Doctoral student: DFG Research Training Group 2493 “Consequences of social assistance” at the University Siegen
April 2020 – March 2023
Research assistant: BMBF-funded meta project ‘Inclusive Education’ at the Institute for Special Needs Education at the Goethe University Frankfurt
January 2018 – November 2020
Student/scientific assistant and research assistant: BMBF-funded project “Professionalization through case work for inclusive schools (ProFiS)” at the Institute for Special Needs Education at the Goethe University Frankfurt
April 2016 – March 2017
Student assistant. European ErasmusPlus project “A European Concept to Visualize and Reflect One’s Vocational Biography Using Digital Media” at the Institute for Vocational Education at KIT
Associated member of the German Educational Research Association (GERA/DGfE) in the divisions 5 (School, Curriculum and Pedagogy) and 6 (Special Education)
Member of the initiative “Qualitative Research in Education Sciences” of the Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers (GRADE)