Second Cohort

Erich Esau, M.A.

H-B 6407

Qualification project

Self-empowerment in the restrictive refugee migration regime – consequences of empowerment-orientated social services work

Social services work for refugees are particularly exposed to the socio-pedagogical dilemma of help and control: while on the one hand the addressees are considered to have a high need for support, they are confronted repetitively with governmental and social restrictions on the other hand. The resource-oriented empowerment approach addresses this potential conflict with the aim of (collective) self-empowerment. In the academic discourse this approach is criticized, especially because of its insufficient foundation in power theory. The aim of this dissertation is to analyse which understandings of power underlie empowerment projects aimed at refugees. The focus is on the reconstructable consequences in the context of ascribed power (to act) from the perspective of the addressees by means of a qualitative research design.

College education

Technical University Dortmund; Degree: M.A. Philosophy and Political Science

Protestant University of Applied Sciences Bochum; Degree: B.A. Social Work, B.A. Religious Education and Diaconia

Professional Experience

Project coordination of the programme „Durchstarten in Ausbildung und Arbeit“, RE/init e.V.

Social pedagogue in the residential youth care, Ev. Stiftung Overdyck