Zwischen Kampf und Kooperation. Das Ringen um eine Legitimation als “gute” Mutter oder “guter Vater” in Folge der Heimunterbringung des eigenen Kindes. Beitrag zur Ad-Hoc-Gruppe »Beyond the Narratives: Die Entdeckung unintendierter Folgen sozialer Hilfen im Spannungsfeld von Integration und Ausgrenzung«.
In: P.-I. Villa (Hrsg.): Polarisierte Welten. Verhandlungen des 41. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Bielefeld 2022.
Corona, Soziale Arbeit und die Systemrelevanz – Reflexionen über ein kontroverses Etikett und mögliche Implikationen für die Soziale Arbeit.
In: R. Lutz/J. Steinhaußen/J. Kniffki (Hrsg.): Corona, Gesellschaft und Soziale Arbeit. Neue Perspektiven und Pfade. Beltz Juventa, S. 182–192.
Qualification project
(Re-)Constructions of Being A Parent as a Consequence of Residential Child Care
The main purpose of residential child care (Heimerziehung) is to ensure the wellbeing of children and adolescents as well as to promote their development, education and participation. In addition, child and youth welfare services shall improve upbringing conditions in birth families. In impact studies on residential child care, which focus on the biographical development of young people, co-operation with (birth) parents is recognised as an important impact factor. Careleaver research and discourses on ombuds offices for child and youth care offer an increasing insight into young people’s perspectives on residential child care (and other forms of upbringing support). How (birth) parents experience residential child care is empirically underrepresented in youth welfare research. The research project focuses on this perspective and examines the consequences of residential child care for parents as addressees of this social services work.
Vocational Training
since 04/2020
Scientific Assistant at University of Siegen, doctoral student, DFG Research Training Group “Consequences of Social Services Work”
Consultant and co-developer of Federal Coordination Office “Ombudschaft in der Jugendhilfe”
Social worker in a youth welfare office
Social pedagogue in a non-statutory agency
College Education
Part-time studies of “Social Work as a Human Rights Profession“(M.S.W.) at ASH Berlin
Studies of Social Work (B.A.) at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences
German Association of Social Work (DSGA)
Network for reconstructive social work