
Dr.'in Jennifer Buchna


H-B 6413
University Website
Portrait Jennifer Buchna


Schule und Hilfemaßnahmen nach SGB VIII. Machtvolle Grenzziehungen und -bearbeitungen im Spannungsfeld der Beteiligten.

Buchna, J. (2023)

In: K. Böllert/O. Bokelmann/J. Demski (Hrsg.): Ganztagsbildung: Kooperation von Jugendhilfe und Schule? Wiesbaden: Springer VS. S. 101-122.

Sichtweisen von Kindern und Jugendlichen auf soziale Maßnahmen im schulischen Kontext.

Buchna, J./Weinbach, H./Hoffmann, D. (Hrsg.) (2022)

Themenheft der Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation 42 (4).

Kinderschutz zwischen Schule und Jugendamt. Eine Sekundäranalyse der Kinder- und Jugendhilfestatistik zu Gefährdungsmeldungen nach § 8a SGB VIII.

Buchna, J./Demmer, C. (2022)

neue praxis 56 (1), S. 23-40.

Qualification project

The dispositive of the addressee of youth welfare services (co-)initiated by schools

According to german child and youth welfare statistics, the number of procedures initiated by schools to assess a risk to the well-being of a child (§ 8a SGB VIII, German Child and Youth Welfare Code) has risen significantly in recent years. If there is a need for support from the point of view of the youth welfare department, welfare services are often installed. Which mechanisms are relevant that pupils become addressees of child and youth welfare services, is an empirically open question. By using a dispositive analysis this habilitation project will focus how the ‘dispositive of the addressee of youth welfare services (co-)initiated by schools’ is constituted in its powerful connections. In this way, primary and secondary consequences that arise within this complex process for the addressed pupils and other dimensions of the dispositive, e.g. school, youth welfare department or the social welfare service, can be taken into account.

Main Focus

  • Migration
  • Racism
  • Social inequality
  • Processes of difference/differenciation
  • Intersections between youth welfare and school
  • Youth work
  • Organizational research
  • Adressees research