Doctoral Student


Drinnen und draußen – Räumliche Dimensionen digitaler Medienpraxis. Irritationen und Perspektiven.

Brock, T. (2021)

In: F. Wächter/T. Brock/J. Brock (Hrsg.): Perspektiven smarter Jugendarbeit. Zentrum für Forschung, Weiterbildung und Beratung an der ehs Dresden gGmbH, Dresden.

Perspektiven smarter Jugendarbeit.

Wächter, F./Brock, T./Brock, J. (Hrsg.) (2021)

Zentrum für Forschung, Weiterbildung und Beratung an der ehs Dresden gGmbH, Dresden.

Qualification Projekt

Consequences of digitalisation on media practices of youth work addressees

The dissertation project focuses on the developments and transformations of youth work in context of digitalisation processes. The principle of youth work is to build on the interests and needs of young people and to gear the services to these. As young people’s everyday practices are increasingly media-related, youth work is required to integrate digital technologies and media into their work and to deal with the challenges caused by digitalisation. The research project aims to find out about the (un-)intended (secondary) consequences of these developments by investigating media practices of professionals and youth people as addressees of digitalisation in the context of youth work using ethnographic approaches in physical and virtual space.

Curriculum Vitae

Since 10/2021
associated member of the DFG-Research Training Group 2493 “Consequences of social services work”, University of Siegen

Since 08/2021
Scientific co-worker in the research project “Mental Health im Kontext von Digitalisierungsprozessen an Hochschulen (ENHANCE) [mental health in the context of digitalisation processes at universities (ENHANCE)]“ at the center of research, further education and consultation, ehs Dresden gGmbH

Since 11/2018
Scientific co-worker in the project for research and practice development “Smarte Jugendarbeit in Sachsen [intelligent youth work in Saxony]” at the center of research, further education and consultation, ehs Dresden gGmbH

Scientific co-worker at the DFG-Research Training Group “Automatismen. Kulturtechniken zur Reduzierung von Komplexität [Automatisms. Cultural techniques for the reduction of complexity]“, University of Paderborn

Master of Arts media culture, University of Siegen