Doctoral Student

Christine Zinke, M.A.

Adolf-Reichwein-Campus, Hölderlin-Campus
AR-L 012, H-B 6413
+49 271 740-5016
University Website


Sichtweisen von Nutzer*innen auf sozialräumliche Bildungslandschaften im Bauprozess und unter COVID-19-Bedingungen.

Zinke, C. (2022)

ZSE Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation 42 (4/2022), Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, S. 332-348.

Bildungslandschaften in Campus-Form aus schulischer Perspektive.

Coelen, T./Hemmerich, S./Jestädt, H./Klepp, S./Million, A./Zinke, C. (2022)

DDS - Die Deutsche Schule 114 (1), Münster: Waxmann, S. 46-60.


Zinke, C./Million, A./Klepp, S./Coelen, T. (2022)

In: F. Kessl/C. Reutlinger (Hrsg.): Sozialraum. Eine elementare Einführung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 231-242.

Qualification Project

Subjectivation processes of young users in educational landscapes in campus form

Educational landscapes combine formal and non-formal educational settings (e.g. schools and juvenile facilities) into a comprehensive concept of education that encompasses both formal and informal educational processes. A special feature is the cooperation of different educational institutions within a pedagogically designed spatial area, e.g. in the form of a campus. How young people are produced as users of educational landscapes in campus form has not yet been empirically researched in detail. Therefore, subjectivation processes by and through users are the focus of this doctoral thesis. Accordingly, (self-)subjectivation of young people and (external) subjectivation of users by pedagogical experts will be investigated in order to illustrate the consequences of this process.

Curriculum Vitae

since 2020
associated member of the DFG-Research Training Group 2493 “consequences of social services work”

since 2019
Research Associate at the University of Siegen in the research project “Campus as Vision and in Practice of Local Educational Landscapes” founded by DFG

Scientific Assistant at the workspace “socialisation, youth education and life course research [Sozialisation, Jugendbildung, Lebenslaufforschung]” under the direction of Prof. Dr. Thomas Coelen

Studies of Education and Social Work [“Bildung und Soziale Arbeit”] at the University of Siegen. Degree: Master of Arts

Student coordination at the University of Erfurt

Studies of Social Work [“Soziale Arbeit”] at the University of Erfurt. Degree: Bachelor of Arts, promoted by the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung


Associated Member of the German Educational Research Association (GERA) – Divisional Social Pedagogy and Early Childhood Research and Division General Education.