Doctoral Student

Anna Merle Baldsiefen, M.A.

Portrait Anna Baldsiefen


„Sei einfach ein Fuchs“ – Intendierte Wirkungserwartungen und eigenmächtig handelnde Adressat*innen in der (Jugend-)Straffälligenhilfe.

Baldsiefen, A. M./Möller, H. (2022)

Zeitschrift für Jugendkriminalrecht und Jugendhilfe 33 (1), S. 44–50.

Qualification project

Consequences of the probation service for its addressees and their social network

In Germany probation service as part of social work in the criminal justice system represents the most important alternative to the penal system. According to the law, the live circumstances of the convicted person play an important role in the suspension of sentence (section 56 of the German criminal code). Following the guidelines from the DBSH (a German professional association of social work), the relatives of the person on probation are also included in the practical probation period. This doctoral thesis focusses on the interface between probationary service work and the social network of its addressees and considers potential interactions. The research project aims to discover implications and consequences the probation service might have for its addressees and their social relations. For this purpose a qualitative network research using case comparison will be conducted.

Curriculum Vitae

Bachelor’s degree program Social Work, University of Siegen,
Bachelor of Arts
Acquired title “state-recognised Social Worker”
Master’s degree program Education and Social Work, University of Siegen,
Master of Arts, students research project focusing “Social Service Work from user’s perspective” on the example of educational counselling (2016–2018)

Full member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Netzwerkforschung e. V.


04/2020 – 03/2021
Postdoc-representation of the ‘DFG-Graduiertenkollegs 2493 Folgen Sozialer Hilfen’

Associate member of the DGfE – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (German Society of Educational Science)– in the sections of Social education, social pedagogy and education in the early childhood in the ‘Kommission Sozialpädagogik’ (Commission of social pedagogy)


WiSe 22/23
Seminar: Adressee’s Perspectives on social services (B.A.), together with the doctoral students of the Research Training Group 2493