We welcome a new research colleague

DFG Research Training Group

University of Siegen

Moritz Schumacher is planning a dissertation in the field of child and youth welfare and wants to explore the consequences of social services with an ethnographic approach.

Increasing the team size

DFG Research Training Group

University of Siegen

As an educational scientist, Zoe Clark not only expands the view of the consequences of social services work to include the field of child and youth welfare. Her long-term research experience in the field of quantitative social research also ranges across national and international fields.

Annual Review 2020

DFG Research Training Group

University of Siegen

Despite the unusual circumstances that the year brought with it, the members of the Research Training Group were able to continue working constructively on the “Consequences of Social Services Work” in various interactive formats.

Research Symposium

DFG Research Training Group

September 23, 2020 and September 24, 2020

On September 23 and 24, research students, doctoral students and postdoc presented their research projects, followed by a constructive discussion.

Avoidance of Plagiarism

DFG Research Training Group and House of Young Talents

July 10, 2020 | 1.00pm - 4.00pm

The workshop will systematically work on aspects of scientific plagiarism, i.e. the illegal use of texts/pictures/data in scientific texts. In this way, participants will be able to proactively recognize and avoid plagiarism in […]

Research Ethics

DFG Research Training Group

July 10, 2020 | 9.00am – 12.00pm

We are pleased to have won Prof.’in Dr.’in Ingrid Miethe from the Justus-Liebig-University of Gießen for a workshop on the topic “Research Ethics”, which is essential for the doctoral and research process. In […]

Guest lecture by Fabian Kessl

DFG Research Training Group

July 8, 2020 | 10.00am - 12.00pm

After a lecture on the topic of “Social Services and Social Policy”, the topic of the research training group about “Consequences of Social Services Work” was discussed in a socio-political context.

Welcoming New Members

DFG Research Training Group "Consequences of Social Services Work"

June, 2020

University of Siegen

The team of the Research Training Group has extended. We would like to welcome Lisa-Marie Gewalt (student assistant for administrative tasks), Kira Grebing and Robin Wiesner (research students), Arne Wohlfarth and Christine Zinke […]

Digital Start of the Qualification and Mentoring Programme

DFG Research Training Group "Consequences of Social Services Work"

April 15, 2020


Due to the measures taken to contain the corona virus and the associated work from the home office, we have digitalised the qualification and mentoring programme, so that the Research Training Group was […]