Evening Lecture: “Remaking Welfare, Remaking States: Disciplining the Social in the Ruins of Neoliberalism”

Wir freuen uns, dass wir John Clarke als Referenten für unsere Evening Lecture gewinnen konnten. Clarke ist emeritierter Professor an der Open University (UK) und forscht zur Transformation von Wohlfahrtsstaaten seit dem späten zwanzigsten Jahrhundert. Über seinen Vortrag sagt er: “In this talk I explore the remaking of welfare states through their constituent parts (welfare, state and nation) in an era dominated by the demands and crises of neoliberalism. At the core of these changes has been a commitment to disciplining the contested and unruly field of the social to better align it with neoliberal fantasies of a modern people. At the same time, the recurrent failures of neoliberalism have been displaced onto the social in the hope that they may be contained there.”

Datum, Uhrzeit und Raum: 04.12.2024, 18 – 20 Uhr (c.t.), US-C 101