Doctoral Student

Kristina Enders, M.A.

Portrait Kristina Enders


Adressat/-innenorientierte Forschung als performativer Akt. Zur Verfertigung der Gedanken im Austausch. Beitrag zur Ad-Hoc-Gruppe ‚Beyond the Narratives: Die Entdeckung unintendierter Folgen sozialer Hilfen im Spannungsfeld von Integration und Ausgrenzung‘.

Enders, K. (2023)

In: P.-I. Villa Braslavsky (Hrsg.): Polarisierte Welten. Verhandlungen des 41. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Bielefeld 2022.

‚Und was haben die Co-Forschenden davon?‘ Der Versuch einer standpunktgebundenen Annäherung.

Enders, K./Aghamiri, K./Beckmann, C./Günnewig, N./Heuer, I./van Rießen, A. (2022)

standpunkt:sozial: Partizipative Forschung. Der Forschungsstil mit Konsequenz 33 (1), S. 80-95.

Qualification project

Consequences of social situation-based health promotion

The term ‘social situation-based health promotion’ stands for a federal German health policy program that addresses the so-called `prevention dilemma’. Since the Prevention Act (Präventionsgesetz, PrävG) came into force at the beginning of 2016, the program has relied on selective financial support for projects by health insurance funds that aim to reach population groups affected by poverty and at risk of poverty with health-promoting measures. Social situation-based health promotion is characterized at the programmatic level by a socio-spatial participation practice in the triad social work-participation services-everyday actors. On an empirical level it can be shown that, social space-oriented social work uses the funding instruments related to social situation and health for their project financing and works together with various participation services from science and consulting practice. For various reasons, the professional actors involved are interested in the consequences of social situation-based health promotion – which is impressively demonstrated by a look at the technical and political discourse and the state of research in the field of participatory health research.
What the socio-spatial participation practice means for the everyday actors involved, which consequences they make relevant for their (healthy) life or not, and how these interact with the construction of consequences by the other actors in the triad, has not yet been empirically investigated and is the subject of these reconstructive
research project.

Curriculum Vitae

Research associate in the program “Research and Evaluation” at FOGS GmbH/ Cologne

Research associate in the project “Health literacy of individuals at high-risk (RisKomp)” in the research area of ​​health literacy at ceres/ Cologne

Research associate in the area of ​​research documentation at the Centre for Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer of the University of Cologne/ Cologne

Project management media analysis at Unicepta GmbH/ Cologne

Lecturer for market research/ PR evaluation at the West German Academy for Communication e.V./ Cologne

Research associate in the program “System and Control” at the German Institute for Adult Education/ Bonn

Research associate in the project “Media Integration of Ethnic Minorities” in DFG special research field “Medienumbrüche”/ Siegen

Master of Arts in Social Sciences at Heinrich Heine University/ Düsseldorf

Bachelor of Arts in Social Science/ Media Studies at University Siegen/ Siegen

Training as a management assistant in advertising (IHK)