Kausalitäten der Wohlfahrtsstaatlichkeit. International vergleichende Studien.
neue praxis Sonderheft „Kausalität und die Re-/Konstruktion von Folgen Sozialer Hilfen", S. 56-68.
Strukturen und Prozesse in der Heimerziehung.
Sozialmagazin 47 (2), S. 6-11.
“Da muss man dann auch mit zurechtkommen.” Entfremdung als Hindernis einer Interessenvertretung junger Menschen in Heimerziehung.
Sozial Extra 45 (5), S. 349-353.
Qualification Project
Organization and participation – the participation imperative in residential childcare services
Social services as publicly provided ‘pedagogical welfare interventions’ are always an expression of ideas about successfully living together. In this context, social services in democratic welfare states are confronted with the demand to enable and guarantee participation of their addressees. The project investigates how the many and varied opportunities for participation and freedom of action provided by the law and implied by professional standards are perceived by the children and young people in the various residential childcare services. With the help of a qualitative-quantitative mixed-methods design, the participation experiences of the addressees will be examined in the context of organizational structures of out-of-home care in England and Germany in order to consider the consequences of the ‘participation imperative’ for the structure and practice of residential childcare at a bi-national level.
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2020
Scientific co-worker at the research project “Erzieherische Hilfen als Arbeit am Gemeinwohl – Zwischen wirkungsorientierter Steuerung und gleichberechtigter Teilhabe in Deutschland und Großbritannien [parenting support as work for the common good – between effect-oriented control and opportunties for equal participation in Germany and Great Britain“
Since 2019
Scientific co-worker at the conference of social pedagogy, University of Siegen
Scientific co-worker at the Bielefeld Center for Education and Capability Research, University of Bielefeld
Master of Arts “Erziehungswissenschaft [Educational Sciences]“, University of Bielefeld
Master of Education, University of Bielefeld
Bachelor of Science: Mathematic, minor Philosophy, University of Bielefeld